Monday, July 22, 2024

Quick Slap Together

 While out with a close friend one weekend at a local scrapbook store she came upon a super basic card kit.  It was definitely a no frills set of 6 cards. 4 of them 4.25 x 5.5 and 2 of the 4 x 9 slimline cards.  My friend brought up a good point about this type of kit though I did convince her not to buy it .  Her point being that there are many times that at the sur of the moment you need a card and many of us do not have one on hand.  So many people then run to the local drug store (do they still call them that?) and pick one up for way too much money and we always feel like it's just not a "good enough" card.  What would be better would be a handmade one.  Having a quick kit readily available to just "SLAP" together but still look wonderful would be a great idea.  So this local store had a great idea!  Just not great enough for me to let my friend purchase it hahahaha.  I of course convinced her that I could make her a kit just as nice alot cheaper and in fact we could make many kits to have on hand in themes by just picking out a few sheets of Designer Paper while we were in the shop.  So that is exactly what we did and set up a date to make a bunch of kits.  In the mean time I stuck to my promise to make her a starter kit.  

I'm calling these SLAP KITS.  Mainly because that is what you do.  You just SLAP them together and your done.  If you want to add more embellishments you can but if you are on a mission and need one right now these are perfect because they literally take less then 2 minutes to make if made as is.  Here is what I put together in a kit to give to my friend.

Now I did take things 1 step further than the store kit.  The store kit was a total of 6 cards mine has 8 because I had to include at least 1 simple fancy fold that is so easy it's ridiculous!  It's also a mini slimline so I felt it had a place in the quick to make card kits.  Below is how they look at the very basic.  Also a side note the store kit did not come with sentiments.  That to me had plus's and minus's in my opinion.  The plus is that you can decide and make your own making the card truly personal but the minus is that you would need to find matching card stock and take the time to find a die and do the cutting, gluing etc.  Though not really time consuming to make your own sentiment it sure is easier to just "SLAP" on a ready made generic one right? 

Now I will admit these were the hardest cards I have ever made.  Why you ask?  Because I am a futzer. Is that a word?  Probably not.  I fiddle.  I can't leave well enough alone.  I add a little, walk away then come back and add a bit more.  I can't help it.  I love do dads.  So making a card with nearly nothing on it is super hard.  Every time I walk by I (to myself) sing "do do do do do. Don't touch this"  I seem to remember back in the 80's or maybe it was the 90's my son listening to some rapper singing something with those lyrics in it. LOL These were a little bit easier to leave alone because of the paper I used.  Isn't it pretty?  Those butterflies are part of the paper not something I added.  So think about what paper you choose when making your "SLAP" kit.  It can make a big difference.

As I said I will be making more of these "SLAP" kits so that I have a kit for kids and one that's more masculine.  My kits will definitely have more embellishments but not a lot so that I won't be overwhelmed when I'm in need of a quick card.

Pssssst......don't tell my friend but I made a few embellies from the scraps.  I just had a few strips and pieces ready to just toss because lets be honest I can't keep everything even if I usually do.  But this time I was going to toss because I needed to pack up to leave on a trip but as usual I just can't do it we go.  I pulled out of the paper toss out bag, piece a few embellies, feel better.  HAHAHA.

Until next time.....................