A friend recently shared her storage of embellies. While being "Sheltered in Place" she had made a few more embellies to put into her drawers and it got me thinking that someday I really need to come up with a better storage unit than zip lock baggies tossed here and there throughout my craft room. But until I decide what I want I decided to grab another baggie and get crafting.
I'm a big fan of tags and a few things I love to add to tags are words, flowers or butterflies. So while I have a ton of scraps out from previous projects I decided I'd make some additional ones to add to my stash.
One nice thing about making tags is you can totally just use scraps. You don't need a color theme and it can be really artistic. Alot of times just using scraps that you have used as a blotter for excess paint, glitter glue, stamping off extra ink from stamps can be used to make your tags. They can be super interesting looking. More of an anything goes. So doing a bunch of willie nillie embellies to have on hand works great.
First I had this stamp of phrases, so I stamped a few onto tiny scraps and backed them on little bigger scraps. Boy you can sure get a ton of these inspirational phrases from scraps.
This is just a part of the ones I've been making. LOL they are still just going into baggies. I haven't decided on a system yet for storage.
Another fun thing are foam flowers. First I die cut a few flower shapes. Then held them briefly onto a hot iron just until they started to curl. Then quickly remove and squeeze and pinch together. They are just slightly warm...not hot at all so you won't burn yourself. After a few minutes open up the flowers and hot glue 2 of them together.
Finished flowers are so cute. Now I bet your wondering the brand of Fun Foam. Well guess what? It is the most inexpensive foam from the Dollar Tree. Yep! Nothing special just plain ol' fun foam.

A little FYI..see the photo on the right? The leaves? Well if you zoom up you will noticed leaves on left are ragged and the ones on right are not. Well that's because I ran the die on the left ones through and then backed it up before I removed it. Well fun foam stretches so run it through and remove to keep leaves from wonkyness. Also the bottom portion where you seen the sheet of foam with leaves still intact...well this is how it will come out of your machine. You will have to poke them loose.
Another type of embellie I am known to do is recycle re-use. When at my summer home finding embellishments is difficult so I often make my own from tourist fliers, take out menus, bar coasters etc. So here I'm using a seed catalog. I just cut some of the little facts out, matted them and they will be perfect for pockets on tags. Just for extra dimension. Use what you have. Junk mail is great.
Well I think this post is quite long enough lol. I love embellies and I will be sharing more later but for now...........get crafting my friends.
Til next time