Sunday, February 2, 2025


 Its nearly Valentines Day and I have gathered supplies to make the cards needed this year for the grands along with supplies for my youngest granddaughter to make a few simple ones herself.  Then I get the notice that my nephews BFF from college is now getting ready to send his just turned 13-year-old into surgery for heart surgery the day before Valentines Day.  We have also grown close to this family and they all call us Aunt and Uncle and I was told that my young "Bonus" niece was not upset that she needed to have this surgery (which has been known since birth) but more upset that she was going to be missing the Valentine festivities in the community and the Dance at school. So to raise her spirits her mom had asked for people to send her some Valentines.  Well, that is right up my alley.  So, all other cards got pushed aside and off to work I went on her special card.

I didn't want just any old card and who am I fooling?  I usually make fancy folds anyway.  So a 3D Floating Card was what I decided to make.  It's one that I have seen from Iced Images where she shows 3 different sizes and calls them Framed Hexagonal Pop Up Cards and then from Sam Culcott where she calls it a Floating Hexagonal Pop Up Card.  Hers is a 5x7 only and done just a wee bit different.  A bit easier though the panels are not as wide as Iced Images are.  I took the easy route.  Its going out in the mail next week so she'll have it in time for Valentines Day.  I just love how this card turned out.  

I do not want to take credit for the card directions so head over to Sams YouTube channel to see how this is made.  Or if you'd like a different size check out Iced Images also on YouTube.

Now if you'll excuse me I really must get back to my Valentine Days cards.  Being behind this year I needed to go simple so no fancy folds this time.  YIKES!  Hope I'm forgiven.

Til next time......................................

1 comment:

  1. What a cool card- that is a great fold! I would love to see the directions for this! I pray that this young one did OK with the surgery!
