Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Can It Be Almost February?

 I cannot believe that 2022 is over and it is already the second month of 2023.  What on earth have I been doing?  Absolutely nothing and yet absolutely everything or so it seems.  Life just happens sometimes.  Never ever do I make New Years Resolutions so I don't plan to do so now (ok I know I'm well over a month late for that anyway lol) but I am going to try and be better about keeping my blog a bit more current.  I have found that although I still have an intense love of making cards and even more of a love for making tags, I am crafting alot of other things as well.  Also added into the mix is a weekly cooking event I do with my grandson who had decided that he wanted to learn how to cook and there were no cooking classes locally in his age group last year.  They had things at the Park Dist. and Library for making a cookie or decorate a cupcake, but he wanted "Real" cooking!  Like making entire dinners.  So in stepped me.....grandma.  We now have our own weekly cooking day where he cooks an entire family meal and serves it to his family as well as myself and his grandpa whom he calls Ama & Apa.  So I have decided that the Blog will pivot a bit this year to include some crafting and some Cooking with Ama & Bryce highlights.

So tomorrow will start the New Blog Year.  I'm pretty excited about what the possibilities can be.  I will never know from one post to another what comes next.  Are you ready for a New Blog Year?  I I will see you later.  

Thankyou for being so patient waiting for me to return.  I appreciate all of you.

Until next time..................................................


  1. Susan, what fun! I can't wait to see what you'll have in store for us in your blog this year. It's going to be amazing, I'm sure!

  2. I'm going to do a better job of checking in on the crafting AND the cooking. Wish I could take lessons right next to your grandson!! I need help!!

  3. Wonderful- looking forward to seeing some of your cooking pics and great stories too! You never have a dull day Susan!
