Sunday, February 7, 2021

Scrap Valentines

Its a week away!!   Yep I'm talking Valentines Day!  We are still battling the virus and many children are still not in school which means no Valentines day party for many youngsters.  How very sad.  I think of my own grandkids and what they are missing.  Not so much the pre-teenager but the younger ones.  I was just looking at a photo of the 4 year old last year at age 3 making her very first Valentine box.  We used an Oatmeal container and turned it into a ladybug.  She was so darn excited about that ladybug for her pre-school party.  I wanted something special for this year just so that they still get a smile on their face. So I came up with the idea that I would make a bunch of 3x3 Valentines, bag them up with some candy and then the night before scatter them all over their front yard.  A little Valentine Surprise.  I'm hoping I'll be able to get a picture to share later.  Here are the 3x3 cards I made.  They are very very simple.

In fact I think I may make a few for the neighbor across the street and toss in her yard for her kids.  If the snow sticks around the red will definitely pop off the white of the snow!  During these uncertain times it's all about the little things to make people smile.  I hope this puts a smile on a few faces.

Til next time................................................



  1. WOW! Look at all of the lovely Valentines! Very nice!

  2. So fun and colorful, Susan!! What fabulous Valentines to scatter through your neighborhood!!
