Thursday, June 18, 2020

Stick Pin in Glue Experiment

Hello....I haven't felt much like crafting lately.  Medical issues at home and Cabin issues up north has occupied my time.  So instead I decided to do some experimenting.  
The other day I took out my bottle of Glossy Accents which I had put a pin in it to keep it unplugged.  Boy was I surprised.  First my nice clear liquid was now yellowish and the pin rusted in.  After pulling it out I noticed the pin was actually bendable.  Now I was pretty sure this was a stainless steel pin since it was one of my sewing pins and who would want rust on their material?  Well either I was wrong or Glossy Accents is just super toxic.  Yes I know the bottle states right on there Non Toxic but something ate that pin.

If you zoom up you can see just how thin this pin got.  And look at that bottle tip.....GROSS!

So this prompted me to try again to use a pin.  Right now with this virus I did not feel comfortable going out to the stores to actually look for Stainless steel pins so I'm using ones I own just to see if any of them work with regular white type glue.
Both the pin on the left and the pin on the right are from my sewing basket.  I have had these for at least 15 years and there is no rust on them as of now so I thought I'd try them in the glue.  The center pin is a pack of Corsage pins from the 1970's.  They came from my moms basket of crafts.  Funny Original price was 69 cents lol. 
 I will give these a couple of days to react and see what happens.  Sometimes these experiments can be amazing.  Other times a complete disaster.  Hope I don't ruin 3 bottles of glue.  By the way...the Glossy Accents....well when trying to get the pin out I found the hole nearly completely closed up.  I squeezed and squeezed to no avail.  Glue would not come out.  So now I have to either find a different bottle to put it in or just toss it since the tip needs to be removed.  I don't think the yellowness of the glue will cause a problem with sticking but I guess if I'm trying to attach a pearl the yellowness will show.  So I'm not sure what to do with this stuff.  Wish there was a way to bleach it....hmmmmm  Kidding,  I'm not going to bleach my glue but it would be cool if that would work.

Well til next time with results......................


  1. Susan, imagine my surprise when I saw this blog post - I was just wondering what types of pins I need to order to use as stoppers in my glue bottles. LOL! I actually recently purchased a little fillable bottle WITH a pin included, that was to use with the company's glue. Well, that didn't go well. The pin they included RUSTED almost immediately. UGH!

    Now I'm clueless. Stainless steel, you say???

    1. I had ordered one of those little bottles one time too with same results...rust. I might do an amazon order for stainless steel but not sure yet. The ones on Joann's site have flat heads which I'm not excited about and nothing came up on Michaels site. Will keep you posted tho.

  2. I've had the same results as you two!! What's a girl to do to keep that glue flowing?
