Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Last Minute Valentines

Well how do you say no to your granddaughter?  You don't lol.  Our middle schooler granddaughter decided she wanted to give just a few of her good friends a Valentine this week so at the last minute I had to come up with a dozen cards.  Thought I'd go simple.  Made one and decided nope need to go fancy fold.  A few post ago I made a new fold Valentine and that is what I decided to mass produce today.  You can check out original 

So here's what she's going to be giving out.
Card on the bottom right is what I was originally going to mass produce but I thought it was too boring.   My granddaughter added a few extra hearts inside when she signed them and was so excited that she will have a few for her BFF's.  I guess in middle school it's not really a thing to hand out those little valentines you get at the store.

Til next time.....................................


  1. Susan, the Valentines you made for Tori are awesome! Her friends are going to love them!

  2. I loved this fold the first time I saw it, and I love it even more now!! And guess what!! I have that paper!!! Awesome Valentines, Susan!!
